Flirsch – Flarschjoch (2464m) – Alperschonjoch (2303m) – Hinterseejoch (2482m) – Kridlonscharte (2371m) – St Anton


This is an exciting hike with amazing views of the ever changing geology of the peaks all around between Flirsch and the famous ski-area of St Anton. There are long sections needing care - there are fixed-wires - but take care!

This hike starts from Flirsch and ends at St.Anton am Arlberg Alt St.Anton (Tyrol, western Austria).

9 hours
21.1 km
1811 m
1648 m
Highest elevation
2482 m
Lowest elevation
1175 m

Time of year: Summer, Autumn

Tags: Public transport, Food en-route, Accommodation en-route, Views of mountain lakes, Ice-cream at end of hike

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Hiked by us on: 28th August 2018

We parked at the bus-station Terminal-Ost in St Anton and took the post-bus to Flirsch, getting off at Flirsch-Siedlung. We then headed uphill towards the Fritzhütte – it’s a lovely hike through the pine woods with glimpses of the valley down below.

Views to the valley below
Views to the valley below

We reached the beautiful Fritzhütte and enjoyed the view of the little lake and across to the equally little glacier on the Hoher Riffler on the mountains opposite.

Views from the Frtizhütte
Views from the Frtizhütte

It was then uphill again heading to the next hut – the Ansbacher Hütte. It really is pretty in this area with green meadows and the ever-present spectacular views.

Green all around close to the Ansbächer Hütte
Green all around close to the Ansbächer Hütte

You can hike up and over Samspitze – but be careful – it’s not easy. We chose to skirt around the mountain and over the Flarschjoch…


… and then the Alperschonjoch. Now it got tricky- the section from the Alperschonjoch to the Hinterseejoch is not easy. It is a long section with numerous wired sections and exposed sections. It is dramatic, it is fun (sort of) and the views are great, but be careful!

A typical section of the tricky parts
A typical section of the tricky parts

Shortly before Hinterseejoch, we came out of the tricky sections and had a lovely view of the Vordersee.


Once we passed over the Hinterseejoch we headed towards the Kridlonscharte with views now of the Hintersee and the stunning views to the north.


After the Kridlonscharte there were a few more shorter tricky sections, mostly secured with wires and sometimes planks…

One of the last trickier sections
One of the last trickier sections

…and then finally we reached the Kaiserjochhaus. The path leading from the hut was clearly visible in the distance – beautiful!

The path leading away from Kaiserjochhaus
The path leading away from Kaiserjochhaus

The exciting sections were finally over and it was a much more relaxed stroll through beautiful green meadows to the Leutkircher Hütte.

Heading towards Leutkircher Hütte
Heading towards Leutkircher Hütte

We then finally headed downhill towards St Anton – this was also a lovely stroll back into pine woods…

The pine woods above St Anton
The pine woods above St Anton

…and then finally back to the car in St Anton. A wonderful hike – but it is long. It is best split over 2 days – and take care!

Please wait a moment while we get the maps!


(Food and accommodation)

Dream with us of a scenery that impresses: The morning sun gently touches the impressive massif of the Stanzertal. The freshness of the new day is in the air - and you feel the incomparable power of untouched nature. You have arrived at our place: in the Fritzhütte at 1,736 meters above sea level - a unique cottage holiday in Tyrol.

Ansbacher Hütte

Ansbacher Hütte

(Food and accommodation)

Admittedly - it actually tastes good in every hut - the Kaiserschmarrn. But on the Ansbacher hut, there it tastes incomparable. And then the grill cutlets, the senior hostess Barbara Nöbl served their guests - they are worth every climb! "You can taste the mountains", because the local products are always of great importance in the regional cuisine of the Ansbacher Hütte.



(Food and accommodation)

The Kaiserjochhaus is an Alpine Club hut in the Lechtal Alps. It was built in 1888 by the Tourist Board Tyrol at an altitude of 2310 m. Since 1920, the hut has been owned by the Leutkirch section of the German Alpine Association. The section has made great efforts to bring the lodge up to date in terms of environmental technology.

Leutkircher Hütte

Leutkircher Hütte

(Food and accommodation)

The Leutkircher hut was built in 1912, shortly before the First World War on the Almjurjoch on the Lechtaler main ridge above the village of St. Anton built by the Leutkirch section. The hut is located directly on the Lechtaler Höhenweg, which leads from Zürs to Imst. The huts on the Lechtaler Höhenweg are not far from each other, offering hikers rest and accommodation.

We could not find any webcams in the area close to this hike.

If you need a day off from hiking, below are some of the great things you can do within 30 km from the start of this hike.

Restaurant – Café Museum

Restaurant – Café Museum

(11.0 km away)

Museum explaining the history of skiing - in St Anton, the cradle of skiing

Lech outdoor pool

Lech outdoor pool

(21.6 km away)

Beautiful outdoor pool in very pretty surroundings

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